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Dr Joanna Frey

I completed my doctorate in Chiropractic and had the opportunity to work with a nutrition professor focused on the laws of a healthy life. He took me to the True North Health Center in California, where I learned about the natural and healthy reversal of chronic disease.

"My greatest passion is to inspire, guide and empower other beings interested in transforming their health to wellness. Every day I wake up directed to educate the masses on the importance of practicing the pillars of health using clinical experience, scientific information and my daily practice staff."

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My interest in health began when I was 19 years old when I was introduced to the practices of healthy eating and living by Dr. Keshava Bhat. It was in Dr. Bhat's educational retreats that I learned to cook based on the 6 elements of nature (a vegan/vegetarian diet based on the fact that each dish must have one of the six parts of the plant: root, stem, leaf, seed, fruit and ether). A variety of courses were taught in astrology, human physiology, the basics of healthy living, disease reversal, agriculture, and others. I adopted the diet immediately since it was something logical and very desirable for me. What did cause me a lot of controversy was drinking alcohol, staying up at parties and smoking cigarettes.

My purpose at that age was to become a professional dancer and travel the world as a backpacker, which led me to live in New York and the Netherlands for several years. Thanks to Dr. Bhat's teachings, I followed a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet but still continued to practice poor lifestyle habits that led me to develop symptoms and health imbalances. A short visit to my brother in Georgia changed my future plans and outlook on life. In a few weeks of visiting my health unexpectedly compromised which prevented me from leaving his house for a whole month, altering all my plans. This made me reflect on how I could improve my quality of life to achieve mental and physical stability.

At the age of 23, I managed to transform my health by adopting a healthy lifestyle by addressing the causal factors of my conditions with the guidance of my brother and Dr. Bhat. Inspired by my process, I decided to retire from dance and fully immerse myself in Pillars of Health education. I started by certifying myself as a yoga, pilates and vegan cooking teacher. Although he enjoyed this new knowledge, he felt a greater interest in learning more about human physiology. Thanks to my brother, Dr. Carlos Daniel, and my mother, Marta Diaz, who supported me in finding a professional educational program that could expand my knowledge focused on integral health. I researched several doctorates in different branches of health such as Traditional Medicine, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Nutrition. Although they all had an allopathic or reductionist approach, there was one in particular that could provide an education more aligned with my educational purpose, which was to understand in detail the function of the human body in order to expand my practice of integral health. I found the program in the Doctor of Chiropractic, it was already focused on the nervous and musculoskeletal system through chiropractic adjustment, the main technique in this profession. Its content in learning human anatomy and physiology is vast without investing hours in teaching supplements and medicines. Exactly what I was looking for, I was very clear, that in my future practice I was going to be directed to the causal factors of the patient's imbalance, to help the patient to detoxify. It was not yet clear how to do it and teach the principles of healthy living as Dr. Bhat had taught me.
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By then I already knew the relationship between food and emotions. Doubt, guilt, confidence, and self-perception lead to symptoms such as weight gain, bloating, fatigue, gastrointestinal upset, and many others.

In my PhD, I had the great opportunity to learn from a professor of nutrition, Dr. Paul Goldberg, who focuses his class on the laws of healthy living. This led me to do my educational residency at the "True North Health Center" located in Santa Rosa, California. Thanks to Dr. Asa Frey who inspired me to do it. This is a residential clinic, directed by Dr. Alan Goldhamer, where people from all over the world attend in order to restore and/or reverse their chronic illnesses.

During my internship, I had the opportunity to observe patients reverse their conditions and transform their health in such a short time using the supervised water fasting modality. This was the key that I needed to obtain, how to help my patients in the deepest way to achieve detoxification and restore their health. Another attribute of this process is the connection of the patients with their interior and they achieve a mental state of happiness, satisfaction and gratitude. At that time, I knew that a modality of this nature needed to be incorporated into my future practice. Inspired and empowered during my internship with all these events, I prepared and certified in the supervised water fasting modality and learned how to investigate and address the causal factors to achieve success in the health of my patients and myself.

Together with my husband and sons Asher and Levi, we have been practicing a healthy lifestyle for over 10 years. Currently, we have our residential center for supervised water fasting in Caguas. Our center is a dream come true. At the center we help our patients reverse their conditions. We educate them so that they know the necessary tools to live and enjoy optimal health. My greatest passion has always remained in education, discussing a variety of essential topics to understand and develop a healthy life. I am an energetic and inspired being, empowered by my journey, my health transformation and that of my patients. This has led me to have an arduous passion to educate the population about this lifestyle. So you can see me teaching our patients at the center and offering face-to-face conferences on social networks.

Would you like to hire me for a conference, talk, workshop, or to speak on your Podcast?


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